Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Do we need a blog?

FAEALA has a website (www.faeala.org). It also uses Google Groups. Now we have a space for a blog... Do we really need yet another page for our browsers to visits?

Our take is a resounding YES! Why? Well for one thing, it's free and available. FAEALA Google Groups is limited to "members only." As it should. Members shoul have a safe space where they can share thought and ideas.

This blog is for the world to read and respond. Let's see what happens...


matanglawin said...

This is good Daniel! People can leave their thoughts or suggestions too.

waray13 said...

Yes, I believe we do and the blog can serve a purpose for FAEALA.

I just came back from a planning meeting of FAEALA today inspite of a dental surgery I had in the morning. That's how I believe in our association and support the new officers.

Something to find out from LAUSD if they offer reimbursement to LAUSD employees if they use public transport. The City of Los Angeles does, and gives a rebate if one uses a bus or the train. Local agencies get federal credits for encouraging the use of mass transit. The new teachers from the Philippines who rely on the bus can get a lot of savings if LAUSD gives back a rebate, say $75 a month.

The City of West Covina I heard gives $100 if you take the bus or train.

This is something to find out. If LAUSD does not provide this benefit, we could suggest that to LAUSD.